Find Schools Online - Culinary Degrees

Does the idea of cooking a great meal make your heart beat a little faster? Do you love everything about food including everything from its preparation to its consumption? Culinary or food science is concerned with all aspects of food - starting with the collecting or harvesting of food, and ending with the consumption of that food in a restaurant. Food science is considered one of the agricultural sciences and it is a field which is entirely distinct from the field of nutrition. Occupations in the food or culinary industry might include the development of new food products, design of processes to produce these foods, choice of packaging materials, shelf-life studies, sensory evaluation of the product with potential consumers, microbiological and chemical testing.

Choosing a culinary arts degree or a career in the food science industry gives you the opportunity to learn about such things as preparing appetizers, soups, sauces, salads, entrees, breads, pastries and, of course, desserts. You can also learn to identify, prepare, and portion meats, poultry, and fish. Some programs are as short as 30 weeks long, while others can be as long as you think you need. As you progress you will develop the necessary skills and acquire the knowledge to succeed in the world’s fastest growing industry. You will experience what it is like to develop strong kitchen management skills that will prepare your for operating your own restaurant or a kitchen in a hospital or a large hotel. When you attend a Culinary Art School you will be offered the chance to enter various programs that can prepare you for a number of positions at restaurants, hotels, culinary schools, private clubs, resorts, cruise lines, and many other culinary related businesses.

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Below are more details about some select schools offering culinary arts degrees:
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