Find Schools Online - Medical and Health Care Degrees

With an aging population, medical and health care professionals are going to be in demand like never before. If you are passionate about the well being of others, treating pain, the prevention and cure of disease, and taking care of the young and the old, a health care education is perhaps the best move you will ever make. Medicine or health care science is both an area of knowledge (a science), and the application of that knowledge (by the medical profession and other health professionals such as nurses). The various specialized branches of the science of medicine and health care correspond to equally specialized medical professions dealing with particular organs or diseases. The science of medicine is the knowledge of body systems and diseases, while the profession of medicine refers to the social structure of the group of people formally trained to apply that knowledge to treat disease.

As a medical or health care professional, the delivery of medical services by specialist providers can include a variety of occupations from midwives, doctors, nurses, home health aides and vaccination technicians to physician’s assistants. A degree in the health care or medical industry can mean a career in preventive care, vaccination, diagnosis, prescribing and administration of medicine, surgery, observation, and attendance at childbirth.

In the United States and Canada, health care services are either paid for by the patient, the patient’s insurance company or the government. In these countries, (and most G7 countries), health constitutes an enormous part of a country’s economy. In 2000, health care costs paid to hospitals, doctors, diagnostic laboratories, pharmacies, medical device manufacturers and other components of the health care system, consumed an estimated 14 percent of the GNP of the United States, the largest of any country in the world. For the G7 countries the average is about nine percent. As a dynamic and constantly evolving industry, the neverending demand for cost-effective and organized health services means there will always be a need for medical professionals as well as qualified health care administrators.

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Below are more details about some select schools offering medical and health care degrees: