Find Schools Online - Massage Therapy Degrees

Do you enjoy the idea of relieving someone’s pain through touch or physical manipulation of the body? As an alternative medicine, massage therapy or body work refers to any treatment which involves some form of touching or physical manipulation. Giving a massage refers to the application of pressure or vibration to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Massage is applied to parts of the body or successively to the whole body, to heal injuries, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, improve circulation and relieve tension.

Massage therapy is becoming a very popular form of medical treatment around the world. A career in massage therapy is worth considering if you enjoy using your hands to stimulate circulation, relax muscles and promote a sense of well-being. As a form of medical treatment, the appeal of massage is primarily due to its simplicity, naturalness and quick results.

A massage is a general term which covers a variety of disciplines for the manipulation of soft tissue for therapeutic purposes. It involves the practice of kneading or otherwise affecting muscles by hand or mechanical device with the intent of increasing circulation and detoxification, reducing physical and emotional stress and increasing general wellness. Once you enter a massage therapy program you will learn to use many forms of body work techiques from neuromuscular therapy, sports massage, Shiatsu, Swedish massage, Thai massage and visceral manipulation. As one of the fastest growing professions in the health care field, opportunities for a career in massage therapy are unlimited. You can become a specialist in kinesiology, reflexology, acupressure, swedish massage, chair Massage, cranial sacral therapy and therapeutic massage.

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Below are more details about some select schools offering message therapy degrees: