Find Schools Online - Graphic Design Degrees

Graphic design is the study of pictorial arts in two dimensional form. The skills you learn as a graphic designer will be applied whenever you draw a picture, paint a flower, print a letter or take a picture. Whenever we talk about graphic design, we often refer to that branch of the visual arts that is concerned with the aesthetics and production of layout, design and typography. The use of graphic elements and text to communicate a message or idea is the goal of every graphic designer. In the context of making a web page, graphic designers are responsible for the appearance of a site and all its visual elements including page layout, background and spot imagery, color scheme, typography, navigation buttons, or any form of visual artistic representation.

With a degree in graphic design you will acquire the skills needed to add just the right message using images and text to your magazine, website and other public relations and advertising media. You will be responsible for producing artistic representations, usually under the guidance of an art or creative director. Nowadays, most graphic designs are created using the computer. You will need to master designing software in order to develop the overall layout and production design of magazines, newspapers, journals, corporate reports, and other publications. You will be able to produce promotional displays and marketing brochures for products and services, design distinctive logos for products and businesses, and develop signs and signage systems or environmental graphics. Graphic designers are needed where there is a need for developing an “appearance” or look that can sell products and services on websites, on the television and in the movies.

Accounting | Animation | Architecture | Automotive | Business | Culinary | Education | Fashion Design
Graphic Design | Health Care Administration | Industrial | Information Technology (IT) | Interior Design
Massage Therapy | MBA Degrees | Medical & Health Care | Music | Photography
Web Design | Online Degrees

Below are more details about some select schools offering graphic design degrees: