Find Schools Online - Web Design Degrees

Web design is the design or designing of a web page which could be an e-commerce website, a website with an administrative backend or content management system or a website with a web application. The term "web design" generally refers to the graphical side of Web development using images, CSS and XHTML. In the infancy of the World Wide Web, web design was restricted to the use of HTML (a basic markup language) that included some very limited formatting options and the ability to link pages together using hyperlinks. Web pages usually consisted of some text, links and very little else. As web design advanced, HTML became more complex and flexible allowing designers to add things like tables which could be used to display tabular information. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), table based layout has slowly been sliding out of favor. Database integration technologies such as server-side scripting (PHP, ASP.NET, ASP, JSP, and ColdFusion) and design standards like CSS further changed and enhanced the way the Web was made.

With a degree in web design and all its related techniques (graphical design, copywriting, content development) you will not only learn how to develop customized images for the website, but you will learn how to design the website so that it meets the needs of the client using it. You will be responsible for familiarizing yourself with HTML, the major HTML content editors on the market, and the graphical, database software available.

Accounting | Animation | Architecture | Automotive | Business | Culinary | Education | Fashion Design
Graphic Design | Health Care Administration | Industrial | Information Technology (IT) | Interior Design
Massage Therapy | MBA Degrees | Medical & Health Care | Music | Photography
Web Design | Online Degrees

Below are more details about some select schools offering web design degrees: